I chose to learn vi so I could develop websites on a terminal without firing up a VNC session - and wasting screen real estate in the process. Vi with syntax highlighting just can't be beat. A quick trip through vimtutor, a couple of Googles for setting up my .vimrc file, and I'm in business. But, I digress.
The Problem
When on a Windows computer, I use Putty to access my Linux computer. The number pad works just fine on the command line. It was only when I started using Vi that I noticed when you attempt to use the keypad, Vi interprets them as a different series of keystrokes. Not being able to use the 10-key is a big problem in my book.
The Solution
So, here's the solution. In Putty settings, go to Terminal - Features. Check the Disable application keypad mode and apply the setting. The 10-key in Vi now works as expected!
My .vimrc file
For those that are interested, these are my basic Vi settings.
hi Comment ctermfg=darkcyan
set ruler
set showcmd
set tabstop=4
set linebreak
-- DRH
1 comment:
As a random passerby on a Google-search, thanks for the help! ;)
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